Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Romney's Bet Disconnects

Mitt, Mitt, Mitt,(Smh) you messed up. I know you have heard about the bet that Mitt Romney made to Rick Perry when Perry called him out on what he stood for in the past. When Perry mentioned it, Romney locked his eyes on Perry like a cougar seeing what it wants. Then Romney said " I'll bet you $10,000..." and stuck out his hand. Right there many middle class Americans disconnected with Romney. That $10,000 could go to some good use. Romney doesn't understand that you have to lead from in the huddle and not in front of the line. If Romney would have mentioned money going to Perry's charities and small business loans in Perry's state, then Romney would have hit that home run statement. Now Romney is slipping in the polls.
I know I would have felt more connected to a person that is willing to give, for causes that helps people, then to a person that's willing to squander.

Has your opinion on Romney changed in the last 7 days?

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