Thursday, December 15, 2011

IT'S OVER!!!!!

The Iraq war is officially over. What started 9 years ago, with a mistaken idea about weapons of mass destruction, has fulfilled it's duty. Just to be clear, George Bush had already signed a document stating that the end of the Iraq war would be at the end of 2011. I'm just soo excited that no other Americans will be killed. 4,484 deaths occurred in this 9 year war. Over 5,000 wounded.
America spent $800Billion dollars on this war. It put a big strain on this economy for those 9 years. That was a long fight. I'm just so glad that it's over.

Now parents can come home and see their kids. Now, as Americans, we have to unite and build up this country from level one as the Japanese did after WWII. We Americans are blessed by not have other countries invading us and dropping nukes on us but at the same time we have destroyed ourselves to the point of having those incidents happen to us.
What stops America from being uber great is that we are too divided culturally in this great country. We should reduce our division amongst each culture. The great thing about the music in America is that it's like the needle and thread that holds all the different fabrics of people together. No matter what culture or party you are, music has made you aware of other cultures and styles.
This is the greatest country in the world.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Romney's Bet Disconnects

Mitt, Mitt, Mitt,(Smh) you messed up. I know you have heard about the bet that Mitt Romney made to Rick Perry when Perry called him out on what he stood for in the past. When Perry mentioned it, Romney locked his eyes on Perry like a cougar seeing what it wants. Then Romney said " I'll bet you $10,000..." and stuck out his hand. Right there many middle class Americans disconnected with Romney. That $10,000 could go to some good use. Romney doesn't understand that you have to lead from in the huddle and not in front of the line. If Romney would have mentioned money going to Perry's charities and small business loans in Perry's state, then Romney would have hit that home run statement. Now Romney is slipping in the polls.
I know I would have felt more connected to a person that is willing to give, for causes that helps people, then to a person that's willing to squander.

Has your opinion on Romney changed in the last 7 days?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

No Abortions For Raped Military Women

Ladies please tell me your opinion.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blagojevich Gets 14 Years in Prison

Rod Blagojevich received 14 years for trying to sell President Barack Obama's old Senate seat. The fact that he was trying to sell the seat shows that voting may mean nothing. Democracy in this country's greatest attribute. The power of the people to elect officials is a power that most countries never experienced. Voting is a fundamental right to anyone who is an American.
So for Blago to try and quietly sell that seat puts the whole democracy ideology into questioning. How many other Gov. officials have rigged or sold gov. seats for a profit or gain?

I believe if the founding fathers were here now, they probably would have charged Blago with Treason because he was trying to overthrow a fundamental part of our government. Corruption has to stop.

Do you think Blago's sentence was too harsh?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

LSD Effects

Friday, October 7, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rat or Monkey?

Which one is closer to humans?

So wouldn't it be logical for scientist to see the reactions of certain elements on a monkey oppose to a rat? All the poisons and healing drugs that is patented are experimented on rats? I'm thinking that the medicine empire has a few scientists on the payroll.
Science is a brick in societies wall of knowledge. The way science is used is what we as humans have to examine thoroughly. Funded research has a probability of being bias one way or the other. Not saying that all funded research is tainted but without integrity and compassion from the scientist, outcomes could be persuade.
All I am saying is that if a science research was done on both a rat and a monkey, I would lean more to the monkey outcome versus the rat outcome.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Cost of Greeducation

Do Universities have the right to all the monies generated by it's student-athletes?
As far back as I can remember I've always heard of situations of Universities suspending athletes for receiving money for any purpose and being told that they couldn't maintain full time jobs. I've always heard of boosters giving money to young athletes to try and steer them to their school. If not money then gifts where either given to them or to their families. Winning programs generate money.
People love to be entertained so sports and competition is usually chosen the most. So a couple of real good players can make a bottom-line look great, which in turns allows pay increase, new facilities, and a little prestige that is outside of education.
The cost of education today is increasing and loan interests or also increasing. Universities are sucking up all the money and not spitting out a dime to student-athletes to atleast maintain at a minimum existence.

In the recent University of Miami scandal, about the alum that allowed star athletes to benefit off of him to attend the "U", is just an example of how a student is gonna do what it takes to maintain. A great player is going to play where he can benefit the most. More wins makes more televised games. Universities generate all that money off the sweat of students athletes and expect them to survive with the strict rules of the school. Many students receive food stamps from the government.

Do you think student-athletes should get paid? 4 All Memory - 100% Compatible

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Georgetown v.s. China FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The men's basketball team at Georgetown college participated in a goodwill trip to China to play in a few scrimmages during their off season. While playing the Bayi Rockets on Thursday a violent brawl broke out on the court, forcing the game to be ended early.
The players were gathered on the court throwing chairs and exchanging blows as the crowd looked on in horror. Georgetown coach John Thompson III pulled his players into the locker room with 9 minutes to spare and the game tied at 64.


My Fellow American


Monday, August 15, 2011

A Whale Trapped

This 30 ton whale was caught in a river during low tide and it's stuck there to die. It is estimated to be $60K plus to help this whale out of the river. Ft. Bragg is the closest base, about two hours away, which needs the use of military choppers because of the weight of the whale.

Indianapolis stage collapse compiled raw footage w/ State Fire radio audio

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Michele Bachmann Wins the Iowa Straw Poll

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann surprisingly has won the 2011 Iowa Straw Poll. The Straw Poll sheds light on the favorite for the front runner of the Republican party. Doesn't mean that it's a sure shot for Bachmann, but right now she sits in the "pole position" in this race. At one time they labeled Michele Bachmann as psycho by the statements she has made in the past. Thinking that people of African descent had life better during slavery then the present day. Now that's a crazy statement. Lately reporters have been going hard on Michele Bachmann and really busting her chops. Asking questions that put her on the spot and making her pause before she replies.
Michele Bachmann has an uphill battle against Romney and Pawlenty regardless of her winning the Iowa Polls. Bachmann represents the "Tea Party" movement. Their movement is to reduce gov. in spending and assure the nation's debt would not increase.

Does Congresswoman Michele Bachmann really have a chance of winning the GOP nomination?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fallen Angel

How do you feel about that Norweigen terrorist Anders Breivik ? This guy is an extremist with corrupted views and hatred in the blood. He's a 32-year-old businessman and was a member of the Masonic lodge. Mr Breivik had served in the Norwegian military doing national service and had no criminal record according to reports.
Breivik's main objective was to remove Muslims from Europe. Anders claims he received some 8,000 e-mail addresses of people who claim they are “cultural conservatives” not just across Europe but North America, Australia, South Africa, Armenia, Israel, and India – ensuring scrutiny of anti-Muslim groups far beyond Europe. He wrote a manifesto that claimed these things. He also said that the European and Indian resistance movements should learn from each other and cooperate as much as possible. He claims the goals of those two countries are more or less identical.
In the case of India, Hindu nationalism – or Hindutva , Breivik spoke in question of the coexistence with Muslims. Human rights activists have long decried such noise by Breivik in India for creating a milieu for communal violence, and the Norway incidents are prompting calls here to confront the issue. Anders Breivik appeared in closed court Monday. Judge Kim Heger later says Breivik admits carrying out the attacks but claims they were necessary to prevent the “colonization” of the country by Muslims.
He has pleaded "not guilty". At least 76 people died in Norway in a terror attack July 22 that started with a bomb blast in the capital Oslo and continued with an hour-long gun rampage at a camp for Labour Party teens and young adults on nearby Utoya Island.

Is religion a justified view for carrying out violent actions?

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Debt Ceiling Plan

Speaker Boehner has said that he is proposing a "common sense" plan to help our country with our debt problem. It will be a two step approach in this plan. The proposal is to raise it $900B now and $1.6T in January. It's a Bi-partisan negotiation that will include no tax increases. It will be along the lines of the cut, cap, & balance principle. Right now our nation's debt is $14 trillion.
Speaker Boehner says spending cuts are greater than the hike in debt limit.
They call this a common sense proposal but fail to agree to a hike in taxes. Those tax increases could go into grants that are given to entrepreneurs to create business to create jobs.

What is your opinion of this proposal?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Raising the Roof(ceiling)...

We have been hearing about this Debt Ceiling issue for sometime but nevermore has it made such a big impact to our country as it does now. Our economy is shaky and unemployment is at 9%. The DEMS and the GOP are fighting back and forth on issues of unemployment, taxes, and our nation's debt. Raising the Debt Ceiling will allow us to borrow more money to pay the nation's obligations like Social Security and other government responsibilities. As of right now America has AAA credit and only pays 3% interest.
Republicans want to keep the debt low and feels that Washington is spending too much money. There are 3 DEMS and 3 GOP, called The Gang of 6, that are trying to come to a compromise for the debt solution. If the Debt Ceiling isn't raised by Aug. 1 all payouts will go into default and many seniors will not get their SS checks.

For some time we have been hearing about the New World Order and how it's going to make a change in the world. One money, one, government, one religion. Other countries have gone bankrupt because they couldn't pay their debts and revenue wasn't increasing for their country.

Is Bankruptcy the first step in the New World Order agenda?

Friday, July 8, 2011

What to Eat to End PMS Symptoms

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Subject: What to Eat to End PMS Symptoms

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LifeScript Healthy Appetite
July 08, 2011 | PM edition
 today's headlines:
What to Eat to End PMS Symptoms 
Slow-Cooker Black Bean-Mushroom Chili 
Fewer mammograms needed for low-risk women: study 
FDA seeks to ease confusion on supplements 

healthy, well & wise
What to Eat to End PMS Symptoms
Tired of PMS? There's another letter you need to know: B. Eating more B vitamins can prevent symptoms of PMS, one study says, and that includes foods you thought were no-nos, like cheeseburgers and hot chocolate. Read on for the facts, and get four delicious B-packed recipes. Plus, how much do you know about how food affects the body? Take our quiz to find out...
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healthy recipes
Slow-Cooker Black Bean-Mushroom Chili
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Earthy mushrooms, tomatillos and a subtle layering of spices combine to give this full-bodied vegetarian chili a deep complexity of flavor. Note that dried beans need to be soaked before going into the slow cooker. Once that's done, the chili can gently bubble for hours, adding flexibility to your schedule...
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healthy news bites
Fewer mammograms needed for low-risk women: study
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Less-frequent mammograms for women at low risk for breast cancer can be a cost-effective way of saving lives, according to a new study that challenges...
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FDA seeks to ease confusion on supplements
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Health officials are seeking to clear up confusion about safety rules for dietary supplements by issuing draft guidelines for when manufacturers need to notify...
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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Friday, May 20, 2011

LinkedIn Moving On Up

The social network site 'LinkedIn' went public yesterday at the NYSE and their share skyrocketed in value. At one point it was at $83 a share. LinkedIn has already leased an entire floor in the Empire State Building. LinkedIn is not playing. To me, LinkedIn is a place for networking where spam is accepted and jobs are found. I go on LinkedIn to find the latest start up eBiznez info and product review. LinkedIn connects people together by allowing people to show their hand in business. LinkedIn's shares have reached a 36x earning since going public. Stocks are nice and people are buzzing. I've been on LinkedIn for about a year and I've always felt this was a great site to help expand my mind to other peoples ideas.
Another site that I'm on that is close to LinkedIn Is My Networking Pro It's also catered to the business mind with a twist of contemporary social sites. With options to video your announcements and post to classified adds a little flavor to the site. LinkedIn's popularity has increased the last six months and friend request where coming left and right. Link with the people that will help you know. You will catch me on there trying to find news ideas or spreading the word about a merchandise. LinkedIn is great but it won't last because the "back office" of the site lacks in-depth access and abilities. For some people that will work because they are gathering quick information. For some the ability to do more means more to them. As of right now LinkedIn is valued at $9.4B. LinkedIn has $106M in cash and equivalences. 30% of LinkedIn's money comes from over seas.

So my OPINION is that if LinkedIn wants to keep increasing their value they should expand their network platform on it's site and add more abilities to get the users brand or resume out through different outlets.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Now It's Libya

The weekend of St. Patrick's day was the stage for America put in their hat into another debt forming principle which we call war. Allies has bombed parts of Libya in efforts to stop Khaddafy from attacking his own people which he considers the opposition. A NO-FLY zone has been created in Libya. The French are disagreeing with the way the USA is handling this situation. The French believe that we should "Take them out".
Now that's Barbaric.... We are not cavemen anymore. We must advance further than violence to solve problems.
Just a few years ago, Libya became open for the rest of the world to prosper from. Libya traded openly and allowed the use of it's natural resources.I understand about protecting humanity, but I believe the people of Libya need to find out a way to deal with their own problems instead of hoping outside forces help their cause.
I HOPE positive energy takes over the situation In Libya and all is restored back to positive energy.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cairo, Egypt

Today the President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak who has been in power for 30 years, has resigned from his post as President and handed over the power to his V. President. For the past three weeks the people of Cairo Egypt have been protesting in trying to get Mubarak out of power. They have succeeded to a point. The regime of Mubarak is still in order and his appointed people are in position. For the Egyptian people that is not good enough. They claim they have been suffering under Mubarak's rule for 3 decades.
The people has had enough. The only problem is that Mubarak's order is all the modern Egyptian know and practice. So now the Egyptian have to start over with a new order and rule. Egypt is the center of the Muslim world and other neighboring countries are watching the moves of Egypt. Israel is panicking heavy.
It's reported that Mubarak has $60B in his possession. He has been robbing the people of Egypt for a long time.

Now the price of gas & oil has raised and the global economy is sluggish. The people of Egypt have a tough road ahead of them in finding a President and establishing a order.

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