Thursday, December 15, 2011
IT'S OVER!!!!!
The Iraq war is officially over. What started 9 years ago, with a mistaken idea about weapons of mass destruction, has fulfilled it's duty. Just to be clear, George Bush had already signed a document stating that the end of the Iraq war would be at the end of 2011. I'm just soo excited that no other Americans will be killed. 4,484 deaths occurred in this 9 year war. Over 5,000 wounded.
America spent $800Billion dollars on this war. It put a big strain on this economy for those 9 years. That was a long fight. I'm just so glad that it's over.
Now parents can come home and see their kids. Now, as Americans, we have to unite and build up this country from level one as the Japanese did after WWII. We Americans are blessed by not have other countries invading us and dropping nukes on us but at the same time we have destroyed ourselves to the point of having those incidents happen to us.
What stops America from being uber great is that we are too divided culturally in this great country. We should reduce our division amongst each culture. The great thing about the music in America is that it's like the needle and thread that holds all the different fabrics of people together. No matter what culture or party you are, music has made you aware of other cultures and styles.
This is the greatest country in the world.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Romney's Bet Disconnects
Mitt, Mitt, Mitt,(Smh) you messed up. I know you have heard about the bet that Mitt Romney made to Rick Perry when Perry called him out on what he stood for in the past. When Perry mentioned it, Romney locked his eyes on Perry like a cougar seeing what it wants. Then Romney said " I'll bet you $10,000..." and stuck out his hand. Right there many middle class Americans disconnected with Romney. That $10,000 could go to some good use. Romney doesn't understand that you have to lead from in the huddle and not in front of the line. If Romney would have mentioned money going to Perry's charities and small business loans in Perry's state, then Romney would have hit that home run statement. Now Romney is slipping in the polls.
I know I would have felt more connected to a person that is willing to give, for causes that helps people, then to a person that's willing to squander.
I know I would have felt more connected to a person that is willing to give, for causes that helps people, then to a person that's willing to squander.
Has your opinion on Romney changed in the last 7 days?
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Blagojevich Gets 14 Years in Prison
Rod Blagojevich received 14 years for trying to sell President Barack Obama's old Senate seat. The fact that he was trying to sell the seat shows that voting may mean nothing. Democracy in this country's greatest attribute. The power of the people to elect officials is a power that most countries never experienced. Voting is a fundamental right to anyone who is an American.
So for Blago to try and quietly sell that seat puts the whole democracy ideology into questioning. How many other Gov. officials have rigged or sold gov. seats for a profit or gain?
So for Blago to try and quietly sell that seat puts the whole democracy ideology into questioning. How many other Gov. officials have rigged or sold gov. seats for a profit or gain?
I believe if the founding fathers were here now, they probably would have charged Blago with Treason because he was trying to overthrow a fundamental part of our government. Corruption has to stop.
Do you think Blago's sentence was too harsh?
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