Thursday, August 23, 2012

"Jesse Jackson Killed Martin Luther King". pt 1 Steve cokely


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Todd Akin's Rape Comment

By now we all have heard what US Senate candidate Todd Akin said about rape. He claims that there is a difference between a legitimate rape and a regular rape. Technically, according to the Federal government, there is a definition for a legitimate rape.
Then Akin said that the female body can stop a conception when she realizes that the rape was legitimate (WTF) so it won't need the abortion procedure. The thing about it is that VP nominee Paul Ryan backed up Todd Akin. Akin since then apologized for his verbiage but not his beliefs.
When I hear women talk about this issue of abortion, I notice that finance is the reason why they would abort life. The government wants to make abortions illegal. I believe it's a woman's choice.

The GOP is really trying to control women. I'm starting to think that Todd Akin represents the party and their beliefs.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"SAMBO" The Black GOD & Africans In Asia (Part 1 Of 8)

What I feel is that words are taken and twisted to actually make certain people think what is good is really bad. Like the word Sambo and Negro. These words are just an example of what I am trying to express. EcoloBlue Water from Air

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