Monday, August 16, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque

The big stir-up about building a Muslim mosque next to Ground Zero is
heating up more since President Obama sided with the building of the
mosque. The Constitution allows people to practice their religion,
even on private property, without denial. Republican Newt Gingrich
stated that building a mosque by ground zero is like "putting a Nazi
flag next to the holocaust museum". Sen. Harry Reid's spokesman also
disagreed with the idea of building the mosque. There is an outcry
from the people of Manhattan about the distance the mosque will be
from ground zero. People are saying America wouldn't allow a Japanese
monument next to Pearl Harbor or a KKK monument next to the Alabama
church bombing.
In this case, this is a peaceful aura with people that are
practicing their faith in peace. The "extreme " right is in an outrage
over this and could be missing the point of this war. It's the radical
Muslims that the Jews in America are fighting. Many Jews in America do
not have a problem with the mosque being built. Accepting other
religions is the first step in unity and harmony. Sarah Palin and
other "right" extremist are attacking the President for siding with
the mosque. This country was built for people to have freedom in their
lives and religion. The 1st Amendment states freedom of speech and
religion. Many Republicans are stirring the pot by screaming that it's
in poor taste to have this mosque move forward. The word they use is
What is offensive is the waving of the Confederate Flag on flag poles
to African Americans in the south. Yet the Republicans overlook that

Do you think the mosque should be built 3 blocks away from Ground Zero?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Top Kill Fails

Oil spill impacts on local businesses as top kill is a failure. It is
reported that BP will pay up to 25 billion dollars to businesses
across the coastal lines that has been affected.
We have a serious problem now. A lot of seafood companies will be shut
down and may never return again. President Obama was asked if he was
confident that the top kill would have worked
and he stated that he has to look at both sides of the situation and
that all the great minds are hard at work to resolve this problem. No
1 can really predict the
damage that the oil spill is doing or what's been released in the
water by dead animals dead at the bottom of the ocean. This is the
biggest oil spill in human history.
B p is moving on to custom made caps for oil well.

-Spoken w/ Vlingo (

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Operation "Top Kill"

Robert, La.-The gusher off the coast of Louisiana has spilled at least 7 million gallons of crude into the sea since an oil rig explosion April 20 that killed 11 workers. Dozens of witness statements obtained by The Associated Press show a combination of equipment failure and a deference to the chain of command aboard the rig impeded the system that should have stopped the gusher before it became an environmental disaster.If the risky procedure, known as a top kill, stops the flow, BP would then inject cement into the well to seal it. The top kill has worked above ground but has never before been tried 5,000 feet beneath the sea. BP pegged its chance of success at 60 to 70 percent. BP hoped to know as early as Thursday afternoon( May 27) if a stream of mud will finally end its Gulf of Mexico oilspill, a five-week disaster that was putting other U.S. offshore drilling projects on hold as far away as Alaska.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Study: A Link Between Pesticides and ADHD

Bernd Vogel / Corbis
Ok.... I came across this article and i thought i would share it.... Its an article from Time Magazine..... I feel sometimes ADHD comes from the loss of interest by the person on what they are doing....but this article thinks otherwise....
 Studies linking environmental substances todisease are coming fast and furious. Chemicals in plastics and common household goods have been associated with serious developmental problems, while a long inventory of other hazards are contributing to rising rates of modern ills: heart disease, obesity, diabetes, autism.

Add attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to the list. A new study in the journal Pediatrics associates exposure to pesticides to cases of ADHD in the U.S. and Canada. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 4.5 million children ages 5 to 17 have ever been diagnosed with ADHD, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and rates of diagnosis have risen 3% a year between 1997 and 2006. Increasingly, research suggests that chemical influences, perhaps in combination with other environmental factors -- like video gaming, hyperkinetically edited TV shows and flashing images in educational DVDs aimed at infants -- may be contributing to the increase in attention problems.

Led by Maryse Bouchard in Montreal, researchers based at the University of Montreal and Harvard University examined the potential relationship between ADHD and exposure to certain toxic pesticides called organophosphates. The team analyzed the levels of pesticide residues in the urine of more than 1,100 children aged 8 to 15 years old, and found that those with the highest levels of dialkyl phosphates, which are the breakdown products of organophosphate pesticides, also had the highest incidence of ADHD. Overall, they found a 35% increase in the odds of developing ADHD with every 10-fold increase in urinary concentration of the pesticide residues. The effect was seen even at the low end of exposure: kids who had any detectable, above-average level of the most common pesticide metabolite in their urine were twice as likely as those with undetectable levels to record symptoms of the learning disorder.

"I was quite surprised to see an effect at lower levels of exposure," says Bouchard, who used data on ADHD from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a long-term study of health parameters of a representative sample of U.S. citizens.

Bouchard's analysis is the first to hone in on organophosphate pesticides as a potential contributor to ADHD in young children. But the author stresses that her study uncovers only an association, not a direct causal link between pesticide exposure and the developmental condition. There is evidence, however, that the mechanism of the link may be worth studying further: organophosphates are known to cause damage to the nerve connections in the brain -- that's how they kill agricultural pests, after all. The chemical works by disrupting a specific neurotransmitter, acetylcholinesterase, a defect that also been implicated in children diagnosed with ADHD. In animal models, exposure to the pesticides has resulted in hyperactivity and cognitive deficits as well.

"I am very confident in the correlation in this study, because we controlled for quite a few things that we thought could play a role," says Bouchard. "Adjusting for those things did not change the results very much. Which indicates that there is very little potential for confounding in this association between pesticides and ADHD."

The results also call for additional studies to determine exactly which foods and which residential uses of pesticides may be most likely to lead to harm in children. Although Bouchard's study did not determine the exact method of exposure in the participants, youngsters are most likely to ingest the chemicals through their diet -- by eating fruits and vegetables that have been sprayed while growing -- according to the National Academy of Sciences. The study also raises the possibility of setting a national threshold for safe levels of exposure; the study authors note that according to the U.S. Pesticide Residue Program report, organophosphates were detected in 28% of frozen blueberries, and in 19% of celery samples tested for pesticides. It is not clear whether those levels pose a threat to cognitive function in children, the current study's findings suggest it may be wise to figure it out.

In the meantime, Bouchard suggests that concerned parents try to avoid using bug sprays in the home, and to feed their children organically grown fruits and vegetables, if possible. (Otherwise, parents should be careful to scrub all produce to reduce residues.) While pesticide-free fruits and greens may be more costly, Bouchard says they may be worth the price in terms of future health.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Gulf Has A Real Problem

This oil leak that is occuring in the Gulf of Mexico doesn't look to good. Oil is flowing closer and closer to the beach shores of Louisiana and Mississippi. That's gonna damage the fish market industry. Since April 20 we have been watching this catastrophe unfold in front of our eyes without a clue on how to stop it. It has been said that the "smartest people in the world" are being brought together to come up with a solution. We can't afford to damage the planet anymore then what we are doing right now. All states on the Gulf's coast should wisely use and drink their water. Stack up on water and/or invest in a water purifier. I have faith that we will find a way to solve this problem. I say throw massive dirt on it... Lol

Enjoy your Day....

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Top 5 Worst Radiation Cell Phones

This is the list of the top 5 worst radiation cell phone according to EWG.

1. Blackberry 8820
According to the non-profit Environmental Working Group(EWG), this popular Blackberry is one of the worst phones in terms of radiation emission, with an absorption rate that comes close to the maximum allowed by the Federal Communication Commission.

2. Motorola i880
This Motorola model, which includes a two-way radio comes close to the government maximum absorption rate of 1.6 watts per kilogram of body tissue.

3. HTC Magic( T-Mobile)
This HTC Magic phone is ranked as one of the worst by EWG. EWG reports with this phone a user absorbs slightly different amounts of radiation depending on whether it is held by the ear or carried in a pocket.

4. Motorola Razr V3i
Once on of the most popular phone models, the Razrhas a relatively high radiation rate according to EWG.

5. Apple iPhone 3G
On the radiation scoreboard, it falls in the middle of the pack.

Although both the National Cancer Institution and the World Health Organization say there isn't evidence to support the assertion that cell phones are a public health threat, Legislators in Maine are debating a bill that would require manufacturers to put warnings on cell phones sold in that state.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods Apologizes

As Tiger Woods hits the podium all eyes were glued on him. What came out of Tiger's mouth was a roar of apologies and rumor ending statements. Tiger looked sincere in his statements to his family, friends, and media. At times, Tiger looked like he was apologizing for being himself. He expressed his beef against the paparazzi and told them to leave his family alone.
Tiger also blamed money and fame for his easy access to his shameful behavior. Tiger didn't pinpoint his return to golf. He hinted that there wasn't a time table for his return. Another issue Tiger took a swing at was getting back to his religion. He made it known that he was a Buddist and how he strayed away from it in the last couple of years. He said he going to get back to his practice. I wonder did his wife try and change his faith.
In conclusion, I think Tiger Woods was very sorry for his actions and I feel he will be truthful with his family, the media, and society.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Media over doing the Haiti disaster?

Bill Maher is on Larry King Live and he stated that the media is focusing more on Haiti and not enough on other worldly issues like the massacres in the Congo or any other political wars..... The awareness of the situation in Haiti was exposed in a positive way... I do believe that we gave the media too much influence on our decisions.... We need to find our own news sometimes....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti's Holocaust

By definiton, a holocaust is an act of mass destruction and loss of life (especially in war or by fire).... To the survivors of the Haiti earthquake their holocaust is coming in the aftermath.... The help that $100M donated can posse up is just not enough help for the demand of the people.... People that survived are dying from their injuries and some are losing their lives from the gangrene overtaking their body.... At times, the UN evacuated the doctors from the makeshift hospitals for security purposes but left the survivors behind to die.... AC360 was showing live footage of CNN Medic Sanjay Gupta being the only doctor left at these hospitals.... If security was of importance then a military parameter should have been built.... One doctor was even on record stating that we should be embarrased to be Americans because of how we allow the situation to get this bad..... $100M has been raised so far for Haiti and the output of the situation isn't a logical outcome.... We have donated enough money to see an above average rescue and support.... A Disaster Response Team should have been shipped out the day of the earthquake.... Ships with relief effort equipment along with food and water should be a standard for every nation.... Maybe I am "reaching" with what I think is adequate help for any situation.... But if compassion is the foundation of our existence then we need to take in account of all the disasters possible and have preparations ready for that situation.... Today is day six and the vital medicine and equipment needed for the relief efforts is still short of desired....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tiger Woods

As 2010 ushers in the "Year of the Tiger" in Chinese astrology, 2009's most talked about news maker of the year was Tiger Woods.... Tiger made headlines after the news broke that he was having affairs with different women almost everywhere he went..... Different women came foward and gave testimonies on how they were in a sexual relationship with the best golfer in history..... This all happened after the 2009 Thanksgiving accident when Tiger crashed his truck into a fire hydrant and a tree.... To later be pulled out of his truck by his wife who was holding a golf club.... Sources say that Tiger was in rough shape at the time of the accident....
I think all this is a scandal created by the golf powers that be to make sure that Tiger Woods doesn't break the record of Jack Nicklaus's most PGA major wins in a career.... At the time of the scandal, Tiger Woods was only 4 victories behind Jack Nicklaus for the all-time record for major championships(18).... Jack's career lasted 25 years in the sport and he collected records in almost every category in the sport of golf.... Until Tiger Woods showed up.... Tiger slowly picked off record leaders left-and-right.... Leaving people to wonder "Who can stop Tiger Woods".... It's hard to retire from golf when you're young and still in good shape.... Golf players usually play for 20 or more years considering there is no contact or body damage in this sport.... So for Tiger Woods just to come out and retire early, would have raised red flags and have people wonder why he quit so young.... So here comes this scandal so Tiger Woods has a reason to step away from the game indefinitely.... In the news, all we heard is how Tiger Woods is taking a break to fix his marriage, but all we see is how the married couple is existing on different sides of the planet.....
Tiger Woods in 2009, became the first athlete to reach a billion dollars in earning from events and endorsements.... Only to lose his endorsements after the scandal.... Since Tiger Woods has always been seen as an " outsider" in the game of golf.... I can understand the uproar in the golf world if Tiger Woods sat alone on top of the mountain of golf supremacy, owning every possible record, and probably never being knocked off!!.....

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