Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Twitter Takeover

Twitter...Twitter....Twitter..... I must say that Twitter is doing a great idea with creating a Twitter phone.... That's right.... A phone that concentrates on Twitter and it's functions.... 2.7-by-4 inch color screen... A full QWERTY keyboard and get contract!!!! Nationwide unlimited wireless coverage.... The phone runs you about a yard($100)... Which includes six months of wireless service... Monthly access will set you back $8 per month after that..... If you wanna do it big....$200 up front you get the device and get lifetime wireless coverage..... That's wusup.... If all I do is Twitter.... This can come in handy..... And to think it is possible for us to say to a friend.... "Hey, Twit me later"
Check it out at

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Urban Legend?

Man, look at Urban Meyer calling it quits... Maybe the man does have health problems... But if it's that servere that he can't coach through it,like other coaches who has had heart attacks on the sideline, then we should be witnessing his retirement completely..... Can you imagine if Tim Tebow said he would pay Urban Meyer to be his personal QB coach... Isn't that Meyer's strong point.... There is nothing wrong with doing what you have to do... It's how you go about doing it is what's important.... If Urban Meyer does have health problems... My wishes would be for a healthy recovery..... Now maybe a new Gator coach will schedule Miami and USF to play...¥¤$

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