In the streets of the UK, in broad daylight, a British soldier was attacked and killed by a man that used a practice known as "Eye for an Eye" as his reason. That ideology stems from ancient teaching that we call religion. On video he claims why he did it. To some people any killing is wrong and to others killing evil, before it hurts others, is right. The attacker said that he apologized that people had to witness what he did but claims women and children, in the land of his religion, see his actions on a daily basis by the hands of others. His actions showed that his intent wasn't only and "eye for an eye" but that he was trying to stop the British soldiers from hurting his people. NBC news said the heard the attacker telling passers-by: "By Allah we swear by the almighty Allah and we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone."
We might think this guy is an extremist because of his beliefs. His mental psyche favors those who feel the same towards child molesters. I've heard extreme punishments for child molesters by those who claim peace. To some stopping evil is a duty. To others they just turn their heads and look the other way. Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, 48, didn't look the other way. She approached the attacker and started to speak to the man calmly. She claimed he wasn't drunk or high. She said that her instinct was to keep the suspected attacker calm in order to protect the crowd that was beginning to gather.
The attacker was soon shot by a female police officer. Witnesses say she shot the attacker because he was coming her way and he was carrying a handgun.
I want to bring to light that the officer did not shoot multiple times at the attacker. Her intent was to stop him. Any other country that guy would of had a clip unloaded on him.
How do you feel about the ideology that people should stop evil before it hurts others?