This is fuqn nasty...... It goes to show how people don't care about the well being of other humans..... How does a mouse get past so many people without it being detected.... Come on Pepsi has enough money from Michael Jackson alone to be able to buy machines that can detect foreign objects in cans or something..... So can u imagine how many other times it has happened or how about waste that can be released into it..... I used to work at a place that made cheese twist snacks..... As the day went by I noticed less and less flies.... That's all I'm saying..... But for real a mouse in a Pepsi can..... What's up with Pepsi as a corporation.... Pepsi is an acronym for Pay Every Penny 2 Save Israel..... I wonder if this will destroy Pepsi.... People can say it is a fluke or a one time thing .... The fact that it happened at such a basic part of the Pepsi operation makes u wonder.... What else has "slipped by".... I know I'm gonna stop drinking carbonated drinks all together.... My health is more important that my desires of taste.... Now knowing that a power corporation like Pepsi can allow something like this to happen..... I will have to inspect everything I purchase before I put it in my body....